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Cloud-native product development and media tech trends


April 29, 2024

Leaving Buzz Vegas

16.7%. That’s it. 16.7% of the 1175 companies exhibiting at NAB 2024 listed themselves in the show floor directory as...
April 5, 2024

Don’t get Cloudwashed!

... or: 6 questions to ask your vendors (and 1 to avoid)
March 7, 2024

Surf or Die

A tsunami of content. Hyperbole? A worn-out trope? Or is it just that there are no other words that can accurately...
February 8, 2024

You know nothing*, Jon Snow

And he didn’t. For years, Jon had existed behind a high wall, under the assumption that he was right and everyone else...
January 22, 2024

Holy crap. Did Oslo just explode?

It started with the entire building shaking and a gut-wrenching boom. Reporters in the downtown newsrooms got up from...
November 23, 2023

Upgrades are stupid

Broadcast engineers, powerless to help, stand by staring at blue screens. The last update from IT is we’ll make it in...